What’s Your Ideal Kitchen Experience?

Remodeling your kitchen may seem like an intimidating journey. However, like the beginning of accomplishing any great feat, you must take it step-by-step. Before you delve into such a project, consider the aesthetic facets and the functions of your kitchen that mean most to you. This is when some good old fashion reflection comes into play.

What in particular did you love about your old kitchen? How often do you host parties? Or cook dinner? Do you require more counter space or storage space? In shorter words, how do you use your kitchen the most? These many queries may begin to overwhelm, but there is an easy way to restore order to such wild-running considerations.

Grab a piece of paper and jot down some kitchen features that prove to be of great importance to you. It may be what utensils you use most, or where you would like pots and pans to reside. Maybe it’s a space for group cooking or a sanctuary for a secluded haven. Take into regard important features that you absolutely need to encounter in your version of the best kitchen experience. Each and every time you step foot into your kitchen should exceed a pleasant encounter. In fact, it should exceed amazing!

Now that your thoughts have found order, it’s time to take the next step to solidify that kitchen dream into tangibility. These kitchen-remodel-trade-offs to consider are just what you will need to get the job done.

What’s Your Everyday Activity to Special Gathering Ratio?

Before entering a kitchen remodel, you must take a moment to consider how often you host guests. Is it just you and your husband 364 days a year, while merely one day is dedicated to hosting friends or family? If so, constructing a gargantuan kitchen may not be wise. Maybe considering an efficient, well-oiled kitchen machine is the path to take. A kitchen that isn’t over the top for everyday use, but is ready for battle when that special occasion presents large numbers.

However, if you are known to host several or more annual gatherings—perhaps weekly or monthly—then focusing on a heavy-duty, multi-functional, large kitchen will be a significant kitchen remodel trade-off to consider.

Sit Down With Your Future for a Chat

Have you ever sat down with your future for a chat? Well, if a kitchen remodels is on your mind, now is the time to do so. Although our future is overall unpredictable, having a conversation with our future paints a pretty solid picture of what to expect.

Are the kids taking off their diapers, or are they putting on their graduation gowns? Is this kitchen going to be your last? Or in other words, is this culinary space going to be the kitchen of your forever home? How many people will your kitchen be serving twenty years from now? Taking into account these future scenarios will greatly be involved in the kitchen remodeling process. Maintaining a delicate balance of appropriate space and efficient functionality that stands the test of time is key.

What is Financially Viable?

When exploring kitchen remodel trade-offs, another large aspect that needs to cross the mind is financial efficiency. Make sure you keep in thought what is going to benefit your kitchen experience and your property value. Two basic questions can achieve a solution to this predicament:

-Is this feature going to save me time, thus, money?

-Is this feature going to advocate a property value increase?

Take some time to monitor your kitchen activity. Does a large family induce large amounts of dishes every night, concluding in hours of you scrubbing plates and pans? If so, investing in an eco-friendly dishwasher may be a good route to go. Such an investment will not only free up your time, but it will increase the value of your home.

Show or Go?

Although in a perfect world the dream kitchen offers exquisite form and innovative function. However, a perfect world coincides with the impossible. Cash is usually limited, so comparing aesthetic visuals to effective performance is dire. Sometimes you can’t have both, so considering these trade-offs proves essential.

What will resonate most in your ideal kitchen experience? Do have a large family? A larger, maybe a bit intrusive, stovetop would be the best option. Functionality to feed the whole family outweighs aesthetics any day. On the contrary, is it just you and your partner? In the latter case, you have the wiggle room to invest in a more aesthetically pleasing alternative.

Time’s Face-Off with Patience

Remodeling your kitchen is a very exciting event. Many people may find themselves actually blinded by this excitement. Rushing into a kitchen remodel without thinking about important factors is not a sight uncommonly seen.

Think about your schedule. Work, kids, or hobbies. Does work fly you all around the globe on a consistent basis? Will a long remodel process really affect your life in this scenario? Probably not. The same would be true for someone who is retired. Although home more, a homeowner who is retired is generally more relaxed. Watching the remodeling process may even become a fun learning experience. We’ve seen the latter countless times.

But what if you do not fit in any of the above? What if work is turbulently busy all the time? Dealing with a kitchen remodel when you require relaxation after a long day may be a little much. One would want to trade off sanity for time and get the job done quicker.

Kitchen Remodel Trade-Offs? Check!

Now that you have systematically achieved what is most important to you in your kitchen, you’re ready to embark on a marvelous journey; you are ready for a kitchen to remodel! To get the ball rolling, contact the JWH Design and Cabinetry Team. We can make your kitchen transform from “blah” to “awe.”

Kitchen Remodel Trade-Offs : JWH Design & Cabinetry
Creating the “every occasion” dining space.